This book focuses on political legitimacy at the international level, more specifically in intern...
In recent years, social scientists have increasingly recognized the interconnectedness of thought...
Recently corruption, extremism and public distrust have raised questions over political legitimac...
Recently corruption, extremism and public distrust have raised questions over political legitimac...
This book aims to delineate major ethical challenges faced by human rights INGOs.
This book aims to delineate major ethical challenges faced by human rights INGOs.
This book examines the features and functions of international legitimacy and how these change ov...
This book investigates collective emotions in international politics, with examples from 9 11 and...
This book examines the features and functions of international legitimacy and how these change ov...
In The Age of Apology twenty-two law, politics, and human rights scholars explore the legal, poli...
Authors from a variety of fields including law, political science, international relations and ec...