The financial expert from the NBC 'Today' show offers reassuring insights and advice in this defi...
Jean Chatzky has been working with viewers of NBC's Today show for aseries on how to get out of d...
Jean Chatzky, the popular Today Show financial editor and Oprah contributor, shows readers how to...
Get Rich, Don't BitchToday, more than ever before, wealth is something every woman has the power ...
Millions of Americans have turned to Jean Chatzky for financial advice, thanks to her weekly appe...
A powerfully simple, must-have manifesto on money with more than 90 wealth-building rules from th...
Chatzky, financial editor for 'Today,' provides her unique, savvy perspectiveon money, dispensing...
Get paid what you're worth, build secure relationships, and make your money last with this valuab...
Can you really start from nothing and become truly secure financially?What's the difference betwe...
Get paid what you're worth, build secure relationships, and make your money last with this valuab...
'This book is an incredibly fun read. The style is a lot of People magazine, with a little Smart ...