Embark on an unforgettable journey through the uncharted terrain of the Wild West with Westward H...
Convict. Detective. Lawman. On the wild American frontier, no man's path is straight and narrow, ...
Lawman. Maverick. Legend. On the unforgiving plains of Texas Cattle Country, a man is either toug...
Celebrity. Husband. Father. In the cutthroat world of cattle rustlers and gunslingers, a lawman h...
'Rawhide Jake: Learning the Ropes, is the first book in a trilogy on the Life and Times of Detect...
'After the split with Wes Wilson at the end of Book One, Rawhide Jake works undercover at the hug...
Rawhide Jake: Lone Star Fame: Lone Star Fame
'Forced to confront his past, Jake sets out on a mission to cleanse the land of these outlaws. Bu...