Lebendig und Grenzenlos Südlich der hochaufragenden Gipfel der Grenzberge liegt ein Land voll far...
Die gnadenlosen Straßen von Absalom.In der größten Stadt der Region der Inneren See steht die Jah...
In many oral cultures local proverbs are highly regarded for their wisdom and prized for their ae...
With increased globalization and modernization reaching into the furthest corners of the earth al...
I am not like Hudson Taylor, David Livingstone, or William Carey. The stories of these people are...
We live in a multicultural society, but many Christians hesitate to engage those of other faiths ...
In many oral cultures local proverbs are highly regarded for their wisdom and prized for their ae...
I am not like Hudson Taylor, David Livingstone, or William Carey. The stories of these people are...
The Asian economic crisis drew attention to the urgent need for reforming social welfare programs...
Entrepreneurial Church Planting: Engaging Business and Mission for Marketplace Transformation
Practical Evangelism for the Twenty-First Century: Complexities and Opportunities
Making Disciples across Cultures'Intercultural Discipleship offers a treasure trove of perceptive...