Nine New Novellas, Part IV is author Jay Dubya's eighth story collection written in the spirit of...
'Pieces of Eight' is a collection of eight imaginative novellas. Themes represented in the work a...
Suite 16 is a collection of sixteen sci-fi paranormal (and humorous) novellas and the work is aut...
UFO: Utterly Fantastic Occurrences is a collection of twenty sci-fi paranormal novellas having cr...
Snake Eyes and Boxcars: The rolls of dice in any Atlantic City or Las Vegas casino meaning the nu...
RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts is a collection of forty-one writings and essays that reflec...
'So Ya' Wanna' Be a Teacher!' tells the whole amazing true story of what really goes on in the ty...
Thirteen Sick Tasteless Classics, Part IV is adult literature featuring adult content and languag...
Twain: Tattered, Trounced, Tortured and Traumatized is a unique collection of twenty classic Mark...
Time Travel Tales is a collection of twenty-one sci-fi paranormal novellas having similar anachro...
Modern Mythology is a collection of fifteen imaginative stories having mythological themes and al...
Pot of Gold is an imaginative fantasy adventure story for children ages eight through twelve. Jan...