'A powerfully disruptive book for disrupted times ... If you're looking for transformative ideas,...
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»Selten hat das genaue Hinschauen so viele Aha-Momente parat wie bei der Lektüre von Jason Hickel...
Degrowth is a philosophy and movement aimed at reducing economic activity to avert climate catast...
Globalization promised to bring about a golden age of liberal individualism, breaking down hierar...
Globalization promised to bring about a golden age of liberal individualism, breaking down hierar...
More than four billion people-some 60 percent of humanity-live in debilitating poverty, on less t...
Toplumlarin esenligi ve gelismisligi cogu iktisatci ve siyasetci tarafindan büyüme kavramiyla aci...
Kalkinma sürecinde islerin yolunda gittigi, dünyanin Güneyinin Kuzeyini neredeyse yakaladigi, yok...
________________'There's no understanding global inequality without understanding its history. In...