In the second installment in the Dopeman's Trilogy, JaQuavis Coleman chillingly chronicles the li...
When a Boeing 747 drops out of the sky with the men of the Cartel aboard, the women of the family...
In this thrilling, plot-twisting tale, a grieving painter receives an unexpected visitor in his t...
The saga of love, loyalty, and crime continues in the next explosive book in the Cartel series fr...
Two children from Sierra Leone are brought together by chance only to be forced apart by an inevi...
The Cartel has come full circle with this fast-paced, groundbreaking novel, the finale to the hit...
In this gripping and heart-wrenching story, you will meet Sean. He was raised by a hustling, well...
'The Cartel runs Miami, and loyalty to their organization runs deep, but when someone breaks the ...
Robyn and Aries are 'The Murder Mamas,' contract killers taking no prisoners in Los Angeles. It d...
In this gripping and heart-wrenching story, you will meet Sean. He was raised by a hustling, well...
The Cartel series by street lit superstars Ashley & JaQuavis has been a consistent New York Times...
A street thriller of kidnapping, murder, trickery, and love that will have you at the edge of you...