In Real Vanilla, Nature's Unsung Hero LittlePod's founder Janet Sawyer tells of her company's mis...
Lakota Love Song is a romantic tale of first love in all of its innocent and bittersweet longings...
Talking Leaves is a collection of Poetry by the Romantic Novelist Janet Sawyer Peck. Poetry speak...
Gypsy Rose is left as an infant by her actress mother to be reared by her strict elderly grandpar...
Jasmines Gate is an American Gothic tale with Ghosts, Hidden Treasure, Suspicion of Murder as wel...
One cold winter night two very unhappy,lonely people living a thousand miles apart from each othe...
Bend Bow Medicine Man is a unique love story of destiny uniting two souls after youthful mistakes...
An essential handbook for anyone wanting to identify their personal gifts and life purpose.Believ...
Wake up in Paradise is a modern Cinderella story. Complete with a handsome Prince that will delig...
Don't Forget Me is a story about a small town girl who finds herself a thousand miles away from h...
Anticipating the loss of her job at the very time that she is struggling with her recent divorce,...
Dream a Hero is a story about a young woman who realizing her marriage has become stale decides t...