An ancient vampire returns to the place of his Un-dead birth; he seeks a quiet life where his sim...
The story is a fantastical adventure, originally devised by children. Women and men, adept at hom...
The first question the New Testament asks a Black man found reading Old Testament Scripture is 'D...
Dave Roach, fresh from his two years of National Service in 1955, visits relatives in the Suffolk...
Andrew Mansell, perturbed by the suicide of a colleague, questions the nature of his marriage and...
'My failure to find that little girl will haunt me to the grave.' Bingham looked at the speaker a...
Robert Courtney had been missing for several months along with a quarter of a million pounds from...
Born into a world of many races, the Black Dwarf must come to terms with his own nature if he and...
Samuel Warden of the Detective Police had been forewarned. A message reached him at home that ver...
This millennial age opened with airwaves and newspapers filled with shocking events. Weather has ...
The couple had moved to Spain when they retired and were 'odd' in as much as they never came home...
Many who believe you cannot lose your eternal salvation cannot defend this good news by Scripture...