Detective Tom Moon and his multi-talented team face off against an international crime ring looki...
The city of Miami is Detective Tom Moon's back yard. He's always kept it local, attending Univers...
From a #1 New York Times bestselling author, NYPD Detective Michael Bennett will stop at nothing ...
From a #1 New York Times bestselling author, NYPD Detective Michael Bennett will stop at nothing ...
“Turn. Up. The. Heat” (New York Times) with this psychological thriller. New York City detective ...
This is a true love story of a woman who walked through life's trials with God by her side.Her wa...
The world of law and investigations are truly a wonderous marriage. The author felt that over fif...
If you are a victim or know someone who is a victim of marital infidelity (cheating mates), this ...
This is a true love story of a woman who walked through life's trials with God by her side.Her wa...
The author is a Vietnam War veteran, having served in the Mekong Delta in 1967. His unit. Mobile ...
The world of law and investigations are truly a wonderous marriage. The author felt that over fif...
There are a number of noteworthy articles in this issue of The Magazine. We are fortunate to feat...