Jantine is a Beta, a genetically-modified super-soldier designed to establish and defend a hidden...
There are few things more intriguing in life than a hunt for hidden treasures. In a collection of...
In a world ruled by faith and fear, one man discovers a terrible truth: We are not alone... Br...
There are few things more intriguing in life than a hunt for hidden treasures. In a collection of...
In the last 12 hours, Mira Harlan has lost her ship, her crew, and what's left of her sanity.Fi...
Martin Metzger is a German farmer who travels with his wife and eight children in 1846 to settle ...
Martin Metzger is a German farmer who travels with his wife and eight children in 1846 to settle ...
2 Elizabeths: Volume I: Love & Romance
LAUGH AT and learn from engaging anecdotes as a boy from small-town America is inspired by nature...
Lt. Marya Andreison just wanted to get her career back on track. After years of crap assignments ...
No Time for Chess? Is that What's Troubling You, Bunky? Well, have a seat... How does one cope wi...