Possibly Alfred Hitchcock's most popular and elaborate film, North by Northwest follows advertisi...
A late Victorian reference work of composers and performers born in Britain and its colonies.
Angie Dickinson is one of American film and television's most popular, durable, and talented actr...
British Musical Biography - A Dictionary of Musical Artists, Authors, and Composers Born in Brita...
British Musical Biography - A Dictionary of Musical Artists Authors and Composers Born in Britain...
This comprehensive, deftly written book examines the visual and thematic connections between the ...
This perceptive, entertaining book celebrates a century of genre films, everything from comedies ...
Angie Dickinson is one of American film and television's most popular, durable, and talented actr...
This is the hardback version.Variations on a Hollywood ArchetypeThis comprehensive, deftly writte...
Which Was Assembled At Madras, Upon The Death Of Lord Pigot, On May 11, 1777. Likewise The Subseq...
British musical biography - A dictionary of musical artists, authors and composers, born in Brita...
''Original Papers: With An Authentic State Of The Proofs And Proceedings Before The Coroner¿¿¿¿¿¿...