A new collection from James Harpur, chronicling his time at Trinity College, Cambridge, in the 19...
A captivating journey through the lives of Christian mystics--from the early Church to the twenti...
'a wonderful novel ... psychological, intense, pulsing ...'Thomas McCarthy
This book provides a concise and illuminating overview of both the 2000-year history and today's ...
A new perspective on early Irish history with the travels and travails of saints.
James Harpur entered a boy's boarding school in the 1970s and survived to tell the tale. Powerful...
Celtic Myth: A Treasury of Legends, Art, and History
A journey into the world of sacred art, pilgrimage and the meaning of life.
Harpur displays both human tenderness and an otherworldly wonder while keeping a sharply observan...
The Pilgrim Journey tells the story of pilgrimage in the Western world over the course of two mil...