James D. Doss's latest engrossing mystery marks the return of Charlie Moon, tribal investigator o...
'In James D. Doss's latest complex and absorbing crime novel set on the Ute reservation in Southe...
When a young lady vanishes, Colorado rancher and Ute tribal investigator Charlie Moon is the man ...
During the frigid Moon of Dead Leaves FallingBilly Smoke had his final beer...and met his destiny.
With his Southwestern series, bestselling author James D. Doss and his dryly humorous, no-nonsens...
Praise for James D. Doss 'Highly entertaining...Big money, big gambles, and a surprise ending wil...
Darkness is falling upon Colorado's Ute reservation...and local rancher and tribal investigator ...
The howling Coyote, messenger of the dwarf master pitukupf and dancing balls of fire, the bruja. ...
Charlie Moon, Ute rancher and investigator, isn't afraid to throw the dice even when a man's life...
A lawman with a hardy appetite for life and an unshakable faith in the explicable, Southern Ute A...