Intended as a companion volume to Principles of Land Law in Uganda, providing information on aspe...
The study set out to establish the relationship between Climatic variability and pineapple growin...
This book provides empirical findings regarding private accommodation services and customer satis...
With the emphasis on market-led development initiatives, sustainable urbanization is a challenge,...
This book explains the principles and practises of the 1998 Land Act, which brought about substan...
Este libro ofrece resultados empíricos sobre los servicios de alojamiento privado y la satisfacci...
V ätoj knige predstawleny ämpiricheskie dannye, kasaüschiesq chastnyh uslug razmescheniq i udowle...
Dieses Buch liefert empirische Erkenntnisse über private Beherbergungsdienste und Kundenzufrieden...
Questo libro fornisce risultati empirici sui servizi di alloggio privati e sulla soddisfazione de...
Cet ouvrage présente des résultats empiriques concernant les services d'hébergement privés et la ...
Este livro fornece conclusões empíricas relativas a serviços de alojamento privado e satisfação d...
A timely and apposite treatise on Papua New Guinea's economic environment, this book explores the...