Set in a future world where the Earth has been remade into a paradise and humanity has been joine...
For most of the '80s and early '90s, Schulman wrote screenplays and stories, including scripts fo...
The Prometheus Award-winning author of 'Alongside Night' and 'The Rainbow Cadenza' offers a colle...
An L.A. radio talk-show host is sent on a mission from God that takes him to heaven--then back to...
J. Neil Schulman's Alongside Night -- The Graphic Novel
Did you know that every 13 seconds one of America's 70 million gun owners uses a firearm in defen...
In 1975, Robert A. Heinlein was sixty-six, at the height of his literary career; J. Neil Schulman...
'A cautionary tale with a disturbing resemblance to past history and future possibilities' (Milto...