Bewegen, spielen, entspannen: den Wald mit allen Sinnen erlebenBaumrinde erspüren, Mandalas aus Z...
Was wächst und raschelt da? Pflanzen und Tiere auf der Wiese kennenlernenHohes Gras, der Duft aus...
Was schwimmt denn da? Gemeinsam forschen und spielen am WasserEine Naturerfahrung, die kleine Ent...
The fuzzy set was conceived as a result of an attempt to come to grips with the problem of patter...
American Swordmakers is the definitive reference volume to American swords from Colonial times to...
This monograph gives a short introduction to the relevant modern parts of discrete geometry, in a...
Fuzzy Models and Algorithms for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing presents a comprehensive...
Today's most popular technology of ultrasonic flow measurement is based on the transit time princ...
Geometry is a classical core part of mathematics which, with its birth, marked the beginning of t...
Approximate reasoning is a key motivation in fuzzy sets andpossibility theory. This volume provid...
Approximate reasoning is a key motivation in fuzzy sets andpossibility theory. This volume provid...
This monograph gives a short introduction to the relevant modern parts of discrete geometry, in a...