The Exploded View, from the masterful South African novelist Ivan Vladislavic, tells the story of...
In this unusual text, a blend of essay, fiction, and literary genealogy, South African novelist I...
This novel takes the zero tolerance approach to punctuation of Eats, Shoots and Leaves to a hilar...
A boxing bildungsroman - a collage of memories, love, resistance, and the spectacle of Muhammed A...
This dazzling portrait of Johannesburg is one of the most haunting, poetic pieces of reportage ab...
Collects two volumes of short stories by one of contemporary South Africa's most acclaimed noveli...
What kind of Detective am I? Eardrum or tympanum? Gullet or aesophagus? Pussy or pudenda? A Detec...
A vacant patch of South African veld next to the comfortable, complacent Malgas household has bee...
An insider capable of revealing his city's spirit and its reality, Ivan Vladisavic combines the e...