The Malay Nobat: A History of Power, Acculturation, and Sovereignty explores the history and mean...
This book expands on how Indonesia supports the achievement of global Sustainable Development Goa...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Musik - Sonstiges, Note: 1,7, Rheinische Friedrich...
From the slums of Cairo to science honors and the corridors of high finance, comes a genuine Amer...
V knige izlozheny klinika, diagnostika, lechenie i reshenie problemy powtornyh perelomow kostej p...
V knige Iskandara Kurbanowicha Asadullaewa, doktora filosofskih nauk, chlena Mezhdunarodnogo Obsc...
Zametki i nablüdeniq o politicheskom islame w Tadzhikistane, predstawlennye awtorom, ne pretenduü...
This book covers diverse aspects of advanced computer and communication engineering, focusing spe...
Rassmatrivaetsya nauchnaya zadacha razrabotki metoda prognozirovaniya nadezhnosti nakopitelej inf...
O objetivo deste estudo foi fazer um diagnóstico da situação da mulher rural em projetos de assen...
The purpose of this study was to explore medical students'' and tutors'' perception towards teach...
This book covers diverse aspects of advanced computer and communication engineering, focusing spe...