A Estrada de Ferro Goias foi um marco na cidade de Anapolis, decisiva em sua modernização princip...
La ansiedad ante los exámenes constituye un fenómeno cada vez más frecuente en la población estud...
America Where? Transatlantic Views of the United States in the Twenty-first Century gathers essay...
The full story of modernism is yet to be written. This collection of essays provides an important...
Fernando Pessoa and the Lyric studies Pessoa's poetic theory and practice, emphasizing Livro do d...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial...
La ferrovia del Goias è stata un punto di riferimento per la città di Anápolis, decisivo per la s...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial...
The Goias Railway was a landmark in the city of Anapolis, decisive in its modernization mainly be...
This volume constitutes poster papers and late breaking results presented during the 25th Interna...
This volume constitutes poster papers and late breaking results presented during the 25th Interna...
Die Goias-Eisenbahn war ein Wahrzeichen der Stadt Anapolis, das für ihre Modernisierung entscheid...