This series is designed specifically to meet the curricular needs of high school and undergraduat...
Each volume of Poetry for Students provides analysis of approximately 20 poems that teachers and ...
Each volume of I X Novels Xfor X Students XIcontains easily accessible and content-rich discussio...
p Each bi-annual volume presents vital information on approximately 15 of the most-studied short ...
Each volume in the Novels for Students Series contains easily accessible and context-rich discuss...
Each volume in the Novels for Students series contains easily accessible and context-rich discuss...
This series is designed specifically to meet the curricular needs of high school and undergraduat...
p Each bi-annual volume presents vital information on approximately 15 of the most-studied short ...
Each volume in the Novels for Students Series contains easily accessible and context-rich discuss...
p Each bi-annual volume presents vital information on approximately 15 of the most-studied short ...
Each volume, features 14 to 15 entries, containing concise synopses of each story's plot, charact...
Each volume presents detailed information on approximately 20 of the most-studied short stories a...