The war in the Crimea is over. Delighted to be reunited with her husband, Lord Kyle, Terue thinks...
In Japan, it is widely believed that everyone's life is bound by the red thread of their fate. Th...
As Japan stands on the precipice of transformation under the new emperor's decree to bury the pas...
Terue. The girl who was plucked from obscurity to become the most sought after geisha in Edo's Fl...
At the end of the beginning, and the beginning of the end, a journey will come full circle&hellip...
When Keiko chooses duty over love, she wonders if the code of the samurai is worth the heartache....
Men speak of sacrifice, but only a woman who has lost everything truly knows what the word means....
There are some who believe that the honor of a samurai is reserved for men. But they are wrong.K...
Even the strongest woman has her breaking point, and Keiko has reached hers.Sick at heart and wa...
Memories are gifts from the gods. But they can also be a curse…Washing up on a strange an...
Keiko thought she was becoming a true samurai warrior, but the loss of her sister will make her d...