Computer programs and processes that take into account the goals and needs of the user meet with ...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Intellige...
This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the Third International Confere...
Es wird ein automatisches Klassifizierungssystem vorgestellt, das die verschiedenen Arten von ein...
World Wide Web is enormous compilation of multi- variant data. For better knowledge management it...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intellig...
An automatic classification system is presented, which discriminates the different types of singl...
Un système de classification automatique est présenté, qui discrimine les différents types de nua...
Przedstawiono automatyczny system klasyfikacji, który rozró¿nia ró¿ne typy jednowarstwowych chmur...
Viene presentato un sistema di classificazione automatico, che discrimina i diversi tipi di nuvol...
É apresentado um sistema de classificação automática, que discrimina os diferentes tipos de nuven...
Er wordt een automatisch classificatiesysteem gepresenteerd dat met behulp van Principal Componen...