S poqwleniem industrializacii i neaktiwnogo obraza zhizni, ispol'zowanie fast-fuda stalo tendenci...
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extre...
In recent years, the development of advanced structures for providing sustainable energy has been...
S nastupleniem industrializacii i maloaktiwnogo obraza zhizni, upotreblenie fast-fuda stalo tende...
Dental'naq implantologiq imeet dolguü istoriü, i s teh por, kak bolee 40 let nazad poqwilis' sowr...
Autoimmunnye bulleznye zabolewaniq swqzany s autoantitelami, naprawlennymi protiw struktur, oposr...
IN THE LAND OF KING ABDULAZIZA compendium of writings penned by the legendary Afghan writerthe Si...
Jeffektiwnaq dostawka lekarstw w polost' wlagalischa chasto predstawlqet soboj slozhnuü zadachu i...
En esta peregrinación, realizada por el afgano Sirdar Ikbal, se cubren años de viajes y aventuras...
OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES IN ENGINEERING The book describes the basic components of an optimization...