We love beautiful books. Which is a good thing, because beautiful books are our business. And hel...
Safe food handling in school kitchens is an important practice to protect the students from foodb...
The technology of breeding, nursery rearing and culture of Puntius sarana are simple, easy and ec...
A manipulação segura de alimentos nas cozinhas escolares é uma prática importante para proteger o...
La manipulation sûre des aliments dans les cuisines scolaires est une pratique importante pour pr...
Der sichere Umgang mit Lebensmitteln in Schulküchen ist eine wichtige Praxis, um die Schüler vor ...
La manipolazione sicura degli alimenti nelle cucine scolastiche è una pratica importante per prot...
La manipulación segura de los alimentos en las cocinas escolares es una práctica importante para ...
Bezopasnaq obrabotka produktow pitaniq na shkol'nyh kuhnqh qwlqetsq wazhnoj praktikoj dlq zaschit...
In this, the first Nubian novel ever translated Idris Ali paints in vibrant detail the story of c...
'This is your last day. Be strong. Don't hesitate. Cut and run. An exit with no return.'Idris Ali...
In this, the first Nubian novel ever translated, Idris Ali paints in vibrant detail the story of ...