Neuro-based leadership is transforming the way we understand, interpret, manage and lead ourselve...
Neuro-based leadership is transforming the way we understand, interpret, manage and lead ourselve...
`Of the many books on NLP, few deal with it specifically as psychotherapy and none so well as thi...
In The Collaborative Leader, L. Michael Hall and Ian McDermott answer key questions about leaders...
Lego Jurassic World - Staffel #1 (DVD) Die Legende der Insel Nublar
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) teaches how to model excellence to achieve excellence in every...
Bu ilham verici ve ayni zamanda pratik kitapta, NLPnin öncü yazarlarindan ve koclarindan ikisi, h...
A comprehensive and practical guide to self-coaching using the NLP (neuro-linguistic programming)...
`Of the many books on NLP, few deal with it specifically as psychotherapy and none so well as thi...
Gercekte oldugunuz ve olmak istediginiz kisi olabilmek icin ihtiyac duydugunuz güven duygusuna ka...
Aumenta Tu Confianza Con Pnl
McDermott demonstrates that by practising his five keys to confidence, and using NLP techniques, ...