This volume presents the Proceedings of the Joint U.S. Israel Workshop on Operator Theory and Its...
This volume is dedicated to Tsuyoshi Ando, a foremost expert in operator theory, matrix theory, c...
These two volumes constitute texts for graduate courses in linear operator theory. The reader is ...
Time-Variant Systems and Interpolation
The classicallossless inverse scattering (LIS) problem of network theory is to find all possible ...
In September 2000 a Summer School on 'Factorization and Integrable Systems' was held at the Unive...
This volume is dedicated to Harold Widom, a distinguished mathematician and renowned expert in th...
After the book 'Basic Operator Theory' by Gohberg-Goldberg was pub lished, we, that is the presen...
This volume is dedicated to Tsuyoshi Ando, a foremost expert in operator theory, matrix theory, c...
This volume is dedicated to Bernd Silbermann on the oc casion of his sixtieth birthday. It consis...
These 35 refereed articles report on recent and original results in various areas of operator the...
In this book we study orthogonal polynomials and their generalizations in spaces with weighted in...