Ziel dieses Buches ist es, die Aufmerksamkeit auf Veränderungen und Krisen zu richten, die mit de...
Die beiden Autoren zeigen in diesem Buch erstmalig Wege undMethoden, weitreichende tiefenpsycholo...
Ein Berufung ist die Verbindung zwischen unserem inneren Selbst und dem, was wir in unserem äußer...
Lebensnahe Deutungen der Mondknoten, die dem Leser endlich vermitteln, warum diese im Horoskop so...
Back due to popular demand! In this book, Richard Idemon teaches us how to look at the natal char...
Howard Sasportas was one of the greatest teachers the astrological community has known, and his u...
Direction and Destiny in the Birth Chart returns due to popular demand! When Howard Sasportas die...
An exciting book to help you understand yourself and your clients, combining the symbolism of ast...
Greene and Sasportas focus on psychological complexes and astrological factors that encompass iss...
'The lectures in this volume form the first part of a week-long seminar called The Inner Planets,...
Acclaimed astrologer Sasportas explores in detail the experiences and situations associated with ...
The inner planets--Mercury, Venus, Mars--are the foundations of what psychology calls the ego, th...