Die vollständig durchgerechneten praxisrelevanten Beispiele in diesem Lehrbuch geben eine anschau...
Das gut eingeführte Werk Ebene Flächentragwerke erscheint nun in der 2. Auflage. Ausgehend von ei...
Innovative technische Projekte mit komplexen Aufgabenstellungen erfordern oft solide Kenntnisse i...
This special anniversary book celebrates the success of this Springer book series highlighting ma...
This book provides an overview of the current of the state of the art in the multiscale mechanics...
This book focuses on robust characterization and prediction methods for materials in technical ap...
This book offers an update on recent developments in modern engineering design. Different enginee...
This book gathers papers presented at the international workshop PMSDAM'19. The respective contri...
This volume gives an overview on recent developments for various applications of modern engineeri...
On the roots of continuum mechanics in differential geometry -- a review.- Cosserat media.- Cosse...
This book presents a collection of contributions on the advanced mechanics of materials and mecha...
In this volume scientists and researchers from industry discuss the new trends in simulation and ...