Twenty first century will be the century of knowledge where innovation will be the key for the pr...
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Oral Habits leave a great impact on development and growth of a child . Thumb Sucking is one such...
Ulybka, sposobnost' cheloweka wyrazhat' celyj rqd ämocij, swqzannyh so stroeniem i dwizheniem zub...
This book brings together a variety of approaches to the uses of big data in multiple sources, in...
Smile, a person's ability to express a range of emotions with the structure and movement of the t...
This book outlines the hydrological approaches on how to assess the polluted aquifer system by pa...
Web design is the standard skill of just creating useful presentation of content (hypertext) that...
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Das Lächeln, die Fähigkeit einer Person, eine Reihe von Emotionen mit der Struktur und Bewegung d...
Il sorriso, la capacità di una persona di esprimere una serie di emozioni con la struttura e il m...
O sorriso, a capacidade da pessoa de expressar uma gama de emoções com a estrutura e movimento do...