Zum 80. Todestag des dänischen Nobelpreisträgers von 1917 Henrik Pontoppidan: seine ironischen Er...
This box is filled with short stories by some of Denmark's most beloved authors - a quartet of cl...
'Love, faith, and the political mingle in these two short novels by a Nobel Prize-winning Danish ...
A Nobel Prize-winner's unforgettable novel about a man who sheds the stifling country life of his...
'Den nyuddannede præst Emanuel Hansted har vendt sin akademiske københavnerfamilie ryggen og fået...
This early work by Henrik Pontoppidan was originally published in 1896 and we are now republishin...
Henrik Pontoppidan giver i seks noveller et trøstesløst billede af husmandsklassens elendige soci...
Henrik Pontoppidan: Der Teufel am Herd. Fünf ErzählungenErstdruck dieser Übersetzung von Mathilde...
Det forjættede Land var med til at give Henrik Pontoppidan Nobelprisen i 1917. Bogen giver et fin...
Lykke-Per er den store samtidshistoriske roman, som giver et levende billede af Danmark for lidt ...
Emanuel or Children of the Soil tells the story of the rural Danish peasantry, through the eyes o...
Henrik Pontoppidan: Der Teufel am Herd. Fünf ErzählungenLesefreundlicher Großdruck in 16-pt-Schri...