This book explores the contentious history of the rule of law in the geographic and socio-politic...
Following the successful formula of the series, this book offers an introductory but authoritativ...
This new edition of the leading introduction to the subject presents the South African Constituti...
The constitutional system of South Korea is a work in progress, and this volume fleshes out and m...
The book presents an evolutionary view of Nepal's constitutional system, grounded in the country'...
This fascinating books provides a contextual analysis of the constitution of the European Union w...
This book explores the role of constitutionalism in facilitating political change in South Africa.
Leading scholars, established and new, demonstrate a novel approach to the empirical study of glo...
This book explores the role of constitutionalism in facilitating political change in South Africa.
Leading scholars, established and new, demonstrate a novel approach to the empirical study of glo...
Die indische Heilmethode Ayurveda hat ihre Wurzeln in altindischer Medizinkunst und Philosophie, ...
This book introduces the reader to the Italian Constitution, which entered into force on 1 Januar...