Heinz Guderian - ein unbürokratischer Kopf, starker Wille und verwegenes Draufgängertum kennzeich...
Der operative Einsatz von Panzern wurde schon vor dem II. Weltkrieg erdacht, in England, Frankrei...
The battle for Normandy from the German point of view.
DIE PANZERTRUPPENund ihr zusammenwirken mit den anderen Waffen(Armoured units and their co-operat...
Heinz Guderian - master of the Blitzkrieg and father of modern tank warfare - commanded the Germa...
Hitlerin, tank savasi uzmanlarinin en ünlüsü olan Heinz Guderian, Ikinci Dünya Savasinda essiz ve...
An enlightening account by a soldier reveals his thoughts and theories on armored warfare and mot...
The 50th-anniversary edition of the German general's legendary memoir
Germany's opening run of victory in World War II was only made possible by the panzer forces that...
Generalmajor a. D. Heinz Günther Guderian, Sohn des Generalobersten Guderian, wurde am 23. August...
A rare, enlightening account by an outstanding soldier reveals his thoughts and theories on armor...