Leishmania parasites plague the mammalian host causing high morbidity and mortality. The parasite...
Opioid addiction being one of the menace of modern world and is prevelant in every part of it. Th...
Staphylococcus aureus strains are an important medical infectious agent that causes a wide range ...
Microbes that elude host's defenses and have developed resistance to the existing antibiotic arse...
Colloids are ubiquitous in the food, medical, cosmetics, polymers, water purification, and pharma...
Die Opioidabhängigkeit ist eine der Bedrohungen der modernen Welt und in allen Teilen der Welt ve...
Trattamento dei sintomi di astinenza da oppioidi con diverse terapie farmacologiche
Tratamento dos sintomas de abstinência de opiáceos utilizando diferentes terapias medicamentosas
Tratamiento de los síntomas de abstinencia de opiáceos mediante diferentes terapias farmacológicas
Lechenie simptomow opioidnoj abstinencii s pomosch'ü razlichnyh metodow medikamentoznoj terapii
La dépendance aux opioïdes est l'une des menaces du monde moderne et est répandue dans toutes les...