Noch an den entlegensten Orten vergnügt sich Harry Mathews' exotisches Personal von Onanistinnen ...
Den Stil von dessen Buch »Je me souviens« wählend erinnert sich Harry Mathews an seinen verstorbe...
Die beiden sich in einem namenlosen Hafenstädtchen sorgsam aus dem Weg gehenden Zwillinge John un...
Die Orte des Geschehens: New York City und die Landhäuser der reichen Familien im Norden des Staa...
A blend of postmodern metafiction and old-style bedroom farce, The Journalist explores the elusiv...
Sixty-one vignettes on the sole subject of masturbation record the imaginative varieties of this ...
A companion to last season's The Human Country: New and Collected Stories, this volume collects a...
For a period of just over a year, Harry Mathews set about following Stendhal¿s dictum for writers...
Set during Albert s fall as a collaborator and his capture, following the Allied invasion, The La...
At a dinner party hosted by a wealthy New Yorker, a guest receives a gold adze, the coveted prize...
A brilliant comedy in the form of letters exchanged between a husband, living in Miami of the not...
A puzzling mystery and the last, unfinished work by Georges Perec-a writer Italo Calvino called, ...