In the decades between the two World Wars, Japan made a dramatic entry into the modern age, expan...
In the 1910s historian Harry Harootunian's parents Ohannes and Vehanush escaped the mass slaughte...
In Archaism and Actuality eminent Marxist historian Harry Harootunian explores the formation of c...
In Archaism and Actuality eminent Marxist historian Harry Harootunian explores the formation of c...
This special issue of boundary 2 undertakes the task of rethinking comparison studies in the huma...
The cultural transformations in Japan from the bursting of the bubble economy to the present.
Harry Harootunian is Max Palevsky Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Chicago; pro...
'Bringing together an unusually wide range of concerns, 'Learning Places' offers a theoretical ac...
Harry Harootunian questions the claims of 'Western Marxism' and its presumption of the final comp...
Harootunian tracks American Marxism's chapters in recent history, tracing the movement from its d...
The cultural transformations in Japan from the bursting of the bubble economy to the present.