This two-volume commentary on 1-2 Samuel presents renowned scholar Harry A. Hoffner Jr.'s final w...
This two-volume commentary on 1-2 Samuel presents renowned scholar Harry A. Hoffner Jr.'s final w...
Letters from the Hittite Kingdom
Hoffner and Melchert's long-awaited work is sure to become both the standard reference grammar an...
Fünf Jahre Arbeitsgemeinschaft für wissenschaftliche Forschung in den vielfältigen Bezirken der N...
Hittite Myths, Second Edition
The second volume of Hoffner and Melchert's Grammar, this tutorial consists of a series of graded...
Topical Christian education curriculum for adults in the Presbyterian and reformed tradition.
Hittite Studies in Honor of Harry A. Hoffner Jr. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
This is the first book-length collection in English of letters from the ancient kingdom of the Hi...
'A reference grammar of the Hittite language grounded in linguistic and textual analysis, and a t...