The epithelial membranes composed of epithelial cells cover most of the internal and external sur...
Periodontists, especially during the past few years, have attempted to treat surgical sites gentl...
The oral cavity is the principal pathway through which the body is exposed to external environmen...
Interdisciplinary dentistry can be described as the mutual permeation of various dental specialti...
Le membrane epiteliali composte da cellule epiteliali coprono la maggior parte delle superfici in...
Die aus Epithelzellen zusammengesetzten Epithelmembranen bedecken den größten Teil der inneren un...
As membranas epiteliais compostas por células epiteliais cobrem a maior parte das superfícies int...
B¿ony nab¿onkowe sk¿adaj¿ce si¿ z komórek nab¿onkowych pokrywaj¿ wi¿kszo¿¿ powierzchni wewn¿trzny...
Les membranes épithéliales composées de cellules épithéliales couvrent la plupart des surfaces in...
De epitheliale membranen die bestaan uit epitheelcellen beslaan het grootste deel van de interne ...
Las membranas epiteliales compuestas de células epiteliales cubren la mayoría de las superficies ...