In this explosive new series from New York Times bestseller Harold Coyle and noted military autho...
Germany, 1935: When Hans Koch, a Jewish boy of nine is afforded the opportunity to escape his her...
From America’s acclaimed master of the war novel comes Harold Coyle’s most gripping thriller yet ...
This Civil War saga from military novelist Coyle is about two brothers from New Jersey who find t...
In the not-too-distant future, the Soviet Union invades Iran, and the United States hastily deplo...
New York Times bestselling author Harold Coyle's Cat and Mouse reveals the chaos of warfare as Is...
In the not-too-distant future, an assassination attempt by Libyan terrorists sparks an Egyptian r...
Revised and updated from the original version released in 1987, Coyle's novel of the Cold War tur...
The story of an orphaned Jewish child in 1935 who disguises their identity to escape religious pe...