Ethnolog*innen erheben ihre Daten »im Feld«, also in der Lebenswelt der Untersuchten. Die Feldfor...
Dieses Buch ist eine Einladung an Sozial- und Kulturanthropolog:innen, affine und affizierte Koll...
Von Ethnolog:innen wird heute erwartet, dass sie sich zu aktuellen sozialen Problemen und Debatte...
This book critically interrogates emerging interconnections between religion and biomedicine in A...
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Wie gestalten sich medizinisches Wissen und medizinische Praktiken in einer global vernetzten Wel...
The HIV AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa has been addressed and perceived predominantly throug...
The contributors to Affective Trajectories examine the mutual and highly complex entwinements bet...
The HIV AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa has been addressed and perceived predominantly throug...
Examines how learning and teaching morality in Tanzania's faith-oriented schools is inextricably ...
Examines how learning and teaching morality in Tanzania's faith-oriented schools is inextricably ...
The movements of people and resources described here expose the growing challenges of poverty and...
The contributors to Affective Trajectories examine the mutual and highly complex entwinements bet...