Consciousness is a state of being awake and aware of one's self and surroundings according to the...
Wound healing and its treatment are subjects that have been discussed for centuries in the medica...
Forensic medicine explores the legal aspects of medicine, and medicolegal investigation of death ...
Mental disorders can result from disruption of neuronal circuitry, damage to the neuronal and non...
This book examines challenges in bioethics from medical, ethical, legal, and industrial perspecti...
Explore the intriguing realm of forensic science in Unlocking the Mysteries of Death - New Perspe...
With the book titled Corruption, Bribery, and Money Laundering - Global Issues, you can explore t...
Elinizdeki bu kitap, size cocugunuz hakkinda bir farkindalik kazandirmayi amacliyor. Onlarin hicb...
Hakan Dogan üc kusaktir ekmekcilik meslegini araliksiz sürdüren bir ailenin son temsilcisi.Eksi M...
Dogan Kitapin 20 yasinda umudu ve bilgeligi, gencligi ve tecrübeyi bir araya getiren, gelecege ka...
Kitabin asil amaci, öncelikle her kesimden okurun kitaptaki bilgi ve deneyimlerden yararlanarak k...
Cokdilli, Türkce, Ingilizce, Fransizca, Italyanca, Almanca makaleler.Icindekiler Prof. Dr. Belkis...