Covers the actions that need to be taken into account for the design of buildings.This book expla...
Eurocode 3 covers many forms of steel construction and provides the most comprehensive and up-to-...
Eurocode 0 is considered the primary document in the Eurocode suite and establishes for the struc...
A detailed guide to Eurocode 6 Design of Masonry Structures: Part 1-1 Common rules for reinforced...
Applies to the design of building and civil engineering structures in plain, reinforced and pre-s...
Covers EN1998-1 (General Rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings) and EN1998-5 (Foundation...
The design process of a bridge includes several steps. One of the major steps is the determinatio...
Provides guidance on the interpretation and use of EN 1994-2 and presents worked examples. This b...
Describes the principles and requirements for safety, serviceability and durability of concrete b...
Presents a guide to the Geotechnical Design Eurocode. This book gives insight into a code that pr...
This guide interprets and assists in the use of EN 1995-1-1 structural timber. Showing typical ma...
EN 1993-2 describes the principles and requirements for safety, serviceability and durability of ...