Mostly river water level and flood forecasting methods are based on gauging stations measurements...
Insecticide resistance is a common phenomenon among insects all over the world. Insects have diff...
Cockroaches are one of the most serious food and residual pest throughout the world. Heavy infest...
Kakkerlakken zijn een van de ernstigste voedsel- en restplagen ter wereld. Zware kakkerlakkenplag...
Las cucarachas son una de las plagas alimentarias y residuales más graves en todo el mundo. La fu...
Schaben gehören weltweit zu den schwerwiegendsten Lebensmittel- und Restschädlingen. Ein starker ...
Gli scarafaggi sono uno dei più gravi parassiti alimentari e residui in tutto il mondo. Le forti ...
Les blattes sont l'un des ravageurs alimentaires et résiduels les plus graves au monde. Une forte...
As baratas são uma das pragas alimentares e residuais mais graves em todo o mundo. Uma forte infe...
A field research was conducted under field situation at the Research Area, University of Agricult...