This two-volume commentary on 1-2 Samuel presents renowned scholar Harry A. Hoffner Jr.'s final w...
This two-volume commentary on 1-2 Samuel presents renowned scholar Harry A. Hoffner Jr.'s final w...
When you want well-organized, essential information on one of the many cults, sects, and movement...
Cuadros de teologia y doctrina cristiana le ofrece al estudiante resumenes precisos y condensados...
Whether and in what sense the Son of God might eternally submit to his Father's will is a questio...
Editor H. Wayne House introduces a lively debate on varying Christian views of divorce and remarr...
This chart book covers all aspects of apologetics, from the reasons for apologetics, to the vario...
Prophecy and Archaeology ? Development of Antichrist Typology ? Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled in...
H. Wayne House and Gordon Carle show how many new religious movements distort orthodox Christian ...
Charts of World Religions provides an invaluable resource for students and anyone interested in u...
Whether and in what sense the Son of God might eternally submit to his Father's will is a questio...
Jude calls believers to stand firm in their belief in Jesus' messiahship, even when various forms...