One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church provides a cohesive and comprehensive guide to understa...
The Short Studies in Biblical Theology series is designed to help readers see the whole Bible as ...
There are many fine books available on the offices of church leadership. Few, if any, address for...
Traces the rise of the 'new perspective' on Paul, beginning in the nineteenth century, offers a c...
This book explores the biblical covenants and how they form the structure of the Bible and inform...
The Reformation swept across Europe with a God-glorifying gospel of grace. Now the doctrine of gr...
What age is it okay for a child to partake in the Lord's Supper? This book takes a constructive l...
Waters defines important terms--'revelation,' 'inspiration,' and 'inerrancy'--clearing away misco...
Explosive, transformational and utterly liberating message of justification Survey of New Perspec...
Part of the REDS series Revelation, inerrancy and sufficiency of scripture Engages with Enns and ...
Well Ordered, Living Well: A Field Guide to Presbyterian Church Government
In this addition to the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series, Guy Prentiss Waters provides a...