Set in the world of contemporary art, Guy Kennaway's new novel delivers his trademark absurdities...
Good Scammer tells the story of Clive 'Bangaz' Thompson, an orphan born in west Jamaica raised wi...
When Guy Kennaway, 63, a white, middle class, overweight, English, Tory-voting writer met Hussein...
Set in the world of contemporary art, Guy Kennaway's new novel delivers his trademark absurdities...
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When Guy Kennaway, 63, a white, middle class, overweight, English, Tory-voting writer met Hussein...
In 2017 Susie Kennaway asked her son Guy to kill her.88 years old, with an older and infirm husba...
It begins for Basil 'Banger' Peyton-Crumbe the day he dies in a pheasant-shooting incident. A tra...
Guy Kennaway's novel about Jamaican life and culture is set in the fictional village of Angel Bea...