Daisy Bates (1914-1999) is renowned as the mentor of the Little Rock Nine, the first African Amer...
On the morning of March 5, 1959, Luvenia Long was listening to gospel music when a news bulletin ...
'Entertaining...Fast, fascinating.'THE SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNEWhen the profits of his law firm di...
In this book noted Arkansas historian Grif Stockley (Blood in Their Eyes, Daisy Bates) presents a...
In late September 1919, black sharecroppers met to protest unfair settlements for their cotton cr...
From the Civil War to Reconstruction, the Redeemer period, Jim Crow, and the modern civil rights ...
Taking on a client accused of murder, Gideon Page returns to his hometown in Bear Creek, Arkansas...
When psychatric patient Perry Sarver kills Arkansas's most prominent state senator, public defend...
Using personal stories to provides an understanding of the price of racism in Arkansas, this book...
'GRIPPING . . . [Stockley] writes with wit, irony, and a good lawyer's intimate understanding of ...
Leigh Wallace, the knockout daughter of a big-time minister, is behind bars, accused of murdering...