As cities from Cape Town to La Paz face acute water shortages, citizens need to know how urban wa...
A Wild Chase Through Elizabethan EnglandThomas Rimor, a man hunted by time and bound by destiny, ...
The tale of Bluebeard, reenvisioned as a dark fable of faith and truth1843 is the 'last year of t...
Completed by his students and colleagues with the Variorum project, the volume is dedicated to Pr...
Weird Trails is the 'mockumentary' of pulp magazines -- ahilarious sendup of both H.P. Lovecraft'...
'[A] rather stunning new fantasy novel....[Shadowbridge] achieves a kind of Florentine grace and ...
Modern pulp fiction with a retro twist! IDW presents ten original prose adventures featuring Clif...
Fans today may be surprised to learn Scott Russell Sanders was previously one of the brightest sc...
This heroic adventure book takes players from levels 1 to 13 as they journey through Baldur's Gat...
'Rhymer brings to life Thomas the Rhymer, legendary 12th Century figure of traditional Scottish b...
'It's been nearly a century since Thomas Rimor last battled Yvag knights. In that time his wife a...
Monsters are where you find them . . . unless they find you first: A young Abraham Van Helsing t...