Treasured for centuries, the world's folk tales I have left a legacy of wisdom for countless gene...
MAKE MORE MONEY WITH YOUR BOOK is a step-by-step guide to making money from your book and the dif...
The Dog Type system can help you have more success in both your work and personal life.It helps y...
It's a picture book about bullying for kids 7-11.When three boys in second grade draw pictures on...
THE SHAMAN WARRIOR is a classic book of magic and psychic exploration, much like the series of bo...
FURTHER JOURNEYS WITH A SHAMAN WARRIOR is a continuation of my experiences in studying with a sha...
The Dog Type system can help you have more success in both your work and personal life.It helps y...
The Dog Type system can help you have more success in both your work and personal life.It helps y...
WHAT'S YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE features a new approach to understanding yourself and others. You ca...
After Missy hears scratches in the living room, she discovers a scared little squirrel, who has f...
WHAT'S YOUR DOG TYPE? features a new system to understand yourself and others by knowing the type...
The New Neanderthals: The Rise of the Gang is the second of a series of stories that build on the...