Revenge and murder define Ximena Godoy's story. Her lifetime spans the first half of the 20th cen...
Dreamers is the tale of two star-crossed lovers, Dolores Gómez (a survivor of the Mexican Revolut...
Dreamers is the tale of two star-crossed lovers, Dolores Gómez (a survivor of the Mexican Revolut...
Revenge and murder define Ximena Godoy's story. Her lifetime spans the first half of the 20th cen...
Fiction. Latino Latina Studies. Translation. Spanish-language edition, translated into Spanish by...
'There is a pathway traveled by migrants that cuts away from the Mexican border as it slithers no...
An acclaimed novel available for the first time in Spanish about an Aztec princess turned slave a...
Against incredible odds, Luz Delcano is determined to find her son Bernabe from whom she was sepa...
Fiction. From Aztec princess to slave and concubine, Hummingbird--or HuitzitzilAAn in her native ...
Now available for the first time in Spanish, this fictional memoir of a talented woman born in tr...
Fiction. A novel that humanizes political turmoil of contemporary Central America, IN SEARCH OF B...